It’s my first day at my new job at the cafe
And he walks up to the counter
A boy with piercing gray eyes beneath a dark beanie
And suddenly I’m all fingers and thumbs, dropping the cups
and can’t remember how to make a mocha
Mrs. Wilson, my boss doesn’t let him pay and gives him a sandwich and muffin.
It becomes the highlight of my day,
Seeing his gorgeous face,
Making his mocha and giving him a free lunch
I’m curious about his situation,
But only know that he works at the grocery store
and his family is going through hard times.
Fast forward a few weeks later…
We’re at our family’s mountain cabin for the weekend
A storm is brewing and we’re trapped indoors
But it’s not just me…
My brother’s brought along his new best friend
He’s new to town, from California, a surfer who’s keen to learn snowboarding
Imagine my shock when I see it’s the boy from the cafe,
The one who gets a free coffee every morning,
My cafe crush…
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